Monday, July 9, 2012

From a recent posting on Linkedin (SIA) - More people are using Twitter and the Staffing Industry is Following!

OK but how is the Staffing Industry leveraging Social Media, like Twitter to attract talent? Below were my comments/ observations to this topic and posting:

Good subject to explore, Ray. You and I have worked for some of the largest staffing organizations- and in my observations, no ONE organization (Resources Rich or Smaller Player) is getting it right. SM technology, including Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. should be part of a Total and Comprehensive (multi touch point) Social Experience that binds talent together into Talent Communities or Talent Banks… AND as a result binds the Talent Community to the staffing agency. The staffing agency should be nurturing the Talent Community with unique content, REAL JOB exposure to its client organizations, education, counsel, a discussion forum and a FEEL GOOD NETWORK that the talent wants to belong to. Tweeting out job postings or giving away free SWAG if you "LIKE" an agency, will not provide strategic results or build a Talent Social Network! AND hard-to-find, exotic skill sets and savvy candidates will look at this type of messaging and consider it SPAM, like when email blasts were popular and misused.

An engineer/ IT/ health care professional or other in high demand GURU that bills out at $300.00 - $500.00 per hour + will rarely respond to an agency Tweet or Linkedin job message that is generic...nor will they waste time joining a staffing agency network that does not provide long term value...but they will gladly take the iPad you are giving away! Furthermore, sophisticated clients don't care about how you will recruit from a reactive perspective, they want to know how you are building your bench of talent and managing it regionally, nationally and globally. Social Media will help a staffing agency accomplish a Talent Community, to a certain degree, when implemented into a Talent Social Network Strategy and Solution.

See the Actual and Complete PEW report that was referenced in SIA here:

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