Monday, June 11, 2012

When times get tough, leaders and companies do some strange things!

I received a sad call today from a National Director of a Top 3 staffing/ HR solutions company. I tried to be the shoulder to cry on and provided some support and reality based reflection on the situation that is taking place at this organization… and others like it. Companies/ leaders love to talk about innovative/ progressive things and promote their employees when times are great but it takes a forward thinking company to do this when the economy is down and revenues are tougher to secure.

Why would a top 3 global staffing company invest in the health care vertical & then quit it due to executive team’s short term vision and impatience? Why would that same organization keep a dinosaur to run their Science/ Medical & Engineering divisions… and continue to lose market share in those sectors? The company I am referring to can't even fill tech/ professional/ health care jobs in one of the hottest markets (S.F. Bay area). WTF? Answers: 1) They reward their tenured, complacent players that in reality are Idea Killers and don’t promote the Game Changers. 2) They rely on Generation One traditional revenue, stale staffing/ solution models and legacy clients. 3) They claim to be innovators, when in reality they are followers, taking tiny steps, not bold ones. 4) They quit before gaining traction in particular solutions sector- Rome was not built in a day, baby! 5) They acquire dynamic and entrepreneurial companies to increase their size and expertise but end up killing the culture of the companies they acquired…& in the process kill the revenues they lusted over… and talented people leave! 6) They don’t give people the right tools, leadership or time needed to be successful! Just sayin’!

More details on my blog soon! Are you working for an organization such as this? You are not alone. If you are an executive and seeing this happen before your eyes (or worst, engaged in this type of behavior)…take a stance and do something about it. Don’t just BS your employees and reward your minions and Yes Men to keep your job alive… and then claim what little successes your employees have had and promote them as your very own. Every Dog Has His Day! And as we move into a more transparent way of looking at business, your days are numbered. Change your ways and be a hero… or try and get your rest because you are beginning to look old and haggard!

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